Suzanne is a Registered Nurse with an MSc in Advanced Healthcare and a Diploma in Professional Coaching and Mentoring.
After a variety of management roles in acute services, she was instrumental in establishing the Renal service for Berkshire from design to delivery, which gained a national reputation. Suzanne went on to regularly chair sessions and speak at both National and International conferences in the field of Nephrology and patient empowerment to improve clinical and psychological outcomes.
She has lectured in Nurse Education at degree level, for Thames Valley University, written an accredited Diploma course and has a number of academic publications.
Suzanne graduated from Oxford Brookes University with a Master of Science in Advanced Healthcare Practise before working at Microsoft as Clinical Manager of the Wellbeing Centre. There she developed the profile and reputation of the onsite healthcare provision establishing a number of new initiatives and integrating existing services. Viewed as Microsoft UK’s expert in the field of employee wellbeing, Suzanne developed research with Clinical Psychologists, delivered organisational audits and was actively involved in the field of stress management, speaking and writing articles for leading institutions such as Henley Management College.
She developed and delivered training programmes for managers, designed specialist support programmes for Interns and graduates and worked with HR, contributing to Healthcare policy.
Before founding her own consultancy practice, she established an innovative ‘in house’ coaching service for Microsoft employees which was held in high regard. It was outcome focussed with sustainable behavioural changes.
Suzanne has since worked with a number of global organisations and SME’s providing insight into how individuals and teams work under pressure. She takes time to understand the issues and political environment, whilst helping to develop healthy, productive employees in a credible and refreshing way. She has recently developed a specialist service for a number of Law firms, providing solutions focussed coaching to clients going through challenging times.
Professional Qualifications
- Diploma in Professional Coaching & Mentoring – Oxford School of Coaching & Mentoring
- Master of Science in Advanced Healthcare Practice – Oxford Brookes University
- Post Graduate Diploma in Advanced Healthcare – Oxford Brookes University
- Teaching & Assessing – English National Board
- Renal and Urological course – Oxford Churchill and the John Radcliff Hosptials
- Registered General Nurse – Royal Berkshire Hospital Reading
Professional partners
There may be occasions on larger scale projects, that Suzanne will require additional specialists/partners who share her high standards, values and professionalism. They all bring additional expertise and skills to compliment aspects of her work and include: Clinical Psychologists, Doctors, Experts on ASD, learning & development specialists, Executive Coaches, Mentors from a variety of backgrounds, consultants and HR professionals.
Professional memberships
- Royal College of Nursing
- Nursing and Midwifery Council
- European Mentoring and Coaching Council
- Association for Coaching MAC
- Member of Resolution – Association of Family Lawyers
Suzanne has regular clinical supervision with a leading Psychologist and Senior Coach and Tutor from the Oxford School of Coaching & Mentoring
In an environment where so many of us face complex life circumstances Coaching has a valuable contribution to make.
With a passion for people and their uniqueness, Suzanne’s unusual skill set blended from a background in both Health and Executive Coaching provides a rich and diverse experience of how individuals think, feel and behave, especially under pressure or when facing challenges.
Her distinct value is the ability to get under the surface of presenting issues and focus on achieving sustainable solutions that benefit both the individual and the organisation.
Her aim is to offer a uniquely personalised development process to enhance success in achieving business or personal objectives.
She provides a professional, yet relaxed approach, helping people to be the best they can creating a space of unconditional acceptance whilst encouraging personal insight, improved performance and contentment with life.
Suzanne aims to:
- Emphasise finding solutions, rather than just unravelling or understanding problems
- Enhance the ability to focus on what is really important
- Improve the quality of thinking and planning
- Enhance personal awareness and the ability to relate to others
- Achieve quality and balance in life